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The Fitness Boxing We've All Been Waiting For (Fist of the North Star Review)

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Best Build in Minecraft Dungeons

  Best Build in Minecraft Dungeons     In Minecraft Dungeons you are constantly under attack by waves of zombies and undead armies. It is important to have a build with just as strong a defense as an offense. Self healing and far range attacks are the main goals of this build: Armor: Wither Armor  Weapon: Mace and Power Bow Items: Totem of Regeneration and Totem of Shielding 1. Armor  Wither Armor Level 32 +188 Health 35% damage reduction  +50%  souls gathered  6% life stealing aura  The Wither Armor is max enchanted with Thorns giving it the power to deal 200% return damage to your enemies whenever you take damage making this armor a no brainer! 2. Weapon Mace 74-159 melee damage This mace in enchanted with leeching power causing your character to gain 9% of the max health of any mob you defeat. With the number of mobs you will come across in this game, the Mace will put itself to good use! 3. Bow Power Bow 86-259 range damage Strong Charge attack This rare bow has a strong charge att

Black Adam or Whack Adam

Black Adam or Whack Adam                After hearing about the below average reviews from both critics and DC fans and the departure Dwayne Johnson from the DCU, I thought it was about time to give the Black Adam movie a shot.  Played by Dwayne Johnson, Black Adam, one of the DC's greatest super villains and arch-nemesis to the super hero Captain Marvel (also known as Shazzam) would get his own movie in 2022. Black Adam (left) Hawk-man (right)     After watching it for myself for first time, I could not wrap my head around where all the negativity was coming from. I was not expecting top tier acting but to my surprise, both acting and character interactions was better than I expected. For example, the rivalry between Hawk-man (played by Aldis Hodge) and Black Adam had been well developed putting a skeptical yet courageous hero against a mysterious and vengeful antihero.  This plot is very similar to another DC movie, Zack Snyder's 2016 Batman vs Superman where the heroes have

Top 5 Reveals by 2.8.23 Nintendo Direct

  Top 5 Reveals  by 2.8.23 Nintendo Direct      On February 8, 2023 Nintendo released its first Direct updates of the year.  With tons of updates and new games to look forward to in the near future, we have compiled our top 5 reveals for the Nintendo Direct:  5. Pikimin 4      Pikmin was first released by Nintendo in 2001 as a puzzle and strategy game for the Gamecube. In the game the pikmin are used to complete tasks for their player including; building, digging, fighting off enemies and retrieving artifacts. Since its initial release Pikmin has been ported to the Wii, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and the Switch. Pikmin 4 will introduce a new ice pikmin and a pet dog who follows you around knocking down obstacles. Pikmin 4 will be released July 2023. 4. Metroid Prime      After 6 years in development, Nintendo has finally released a trailer of the remake of its first installment of the Metroid Prime series which could be a teaser for the widely anticipated Metroid Prime 4. We first got wind of

Minecraft Dungeons

Minecraft Dungeons Being a fan of dungeon crawlers since the classic Gauntlet Legends, you could imagine my excited when I found out that the creators of Minecraft had created a dungeon crawler within the Minecraft universe.   I first started playing Minecraft in 2020 on my MacBook. Only playing in creation mode, I would tunnel through mountains and caverns, creating my own kind of dungeon crawler experience. Fast forward, 3 years later, my dream comes true when I find out that Minecraft Dungeons was created for RPG gamers like me who wanted a Minecraft game with a Diablo feel. Finding loot, killing zombies and customizing my character build, Minecraft Dungeons gives me all the feels of a classic top/bottom dungeon crawlwr. Unlike, Diablo however, this game is for the whole family to enjoy. Minecraft Dungeons is the perfect game for both advanced RPG gamers and first-timers.   Writer KhanOfCons

Rihanna Has Joined the Battle!

     If you were one of the millions of fans around the world who witnessed the Super Bowl LVII halftime show then you may have noticed something that many Super Mario Smash Bros fans have been raving about on social media. Rihanna's stage set up appears to have been inspired by one of Nintendo's most popular game series.  Quoted tweets on Twitter include:  "Why Rihanna's stage look like a stage out of Smash bros? 😂" - iKhanOfCons "So has Rihanna joined the Battle? #SuperSmashBros" - @SocialDCon1 "New Smash DLC RiRi"- @TheGamerzNuts However, this isn't the first time a music artist has been inspired by video games. Missy Elliot, Travis Scott and The Red Hot Chili Peppers are just a few of the long list of artist who have incorporated gaming into their music. Written by  KhanOfCons  

The Flash

       Super Bowl LVII commercial gave us a glimpse of the new Flash movie which was rumored to have been cancelled. We first got wind of a possible Flash movie back in 2020 which would base its story off of the DC animated movie Flashpoint in which the Flash runs so fast that he goes back in time to try and save his mother from being murdered by his arch nemesis Eobard Thorne, The Reverse-Flash.     The Flash finds himself in an alternate universe where the Batman is none other than Bruce Waynes father Robert Wayne. Barry Allen is faced with the hard decision whether to save his mother and alter the futures time space continuum or come to an acceptance of his mothers fate and continue to live on.     In the trailer we see The Flash watching as little Barry Allen runs out of the house into the street after witnessing his mother's murder. The Flash then discovers himself as a teenager sometime before he received his powers. Both the Flash and teenage Barry appear in the lab where Ba